Saturday, August 31, 2019

Four Principles Essay

Community corrections are â€Å"non-prison sanctions that are imposed on convicted adults or adjudicated juveniles either by a court instead of a prison sentence or by a parole board following release from prison.† (Joan Petersilia Para. 1) There are four general principles of effective intervention that have become organizing concepts of community corrections in what has become known as the â€Å"what works† movement. In this paragraph I will describe all four of the general principles of effective intervention, risk principle, criminogenic need principle, treatment principle, and fidelity principle, and the way they work. The first of the four principles of effective intervention is risk principle. Risk principle tells us that intervention programs should use a mix of cognitive and behavioral strategies (Wright, 2012.) This is saying that the intervention should target high risk offenders, to prevent them from reoffending. Research has proved that targeting high risk offenders works more often then targeting low risk offenders. Certain offenses are considered low risk and others high. That is what qualifies you as a low and high risk offender by what offense you committed the first time. Moreover, research also shows that targeting low-risk offenders with intensive treatment can actually increase their reoffending (Latessa, 2010). That is why within the four principles it does not target low right offenders. I agree with this system completely, we should pay more attention to the more serious offenders, because if they did a serious offense in the first place, they will do it again, and we  must tar get these people to try and stop them. According to Gendra and Paparozzi with Corrections Today, â€Å"When Robert Martinson predicted some 20 years ago that the new epoch in corrections would focus on punishment, many of us who were working in the system at that time did not realize how prescient he was. Today, the U.S. corrections system relies on the threat of punishment to bring about law-abiding behavior. Evidence of this can be seen in the proliferation of intensive supervision programs (ISPs), boot camps, shock incarceration and people’s prisons.† (Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A., 1995) I know that this intervention works because I have been to boot camp myself, and as they call it the â€Å"scare tactic† it really does work. When you do something incorrect or not to standards in the military they will scare soldiers with punishment, the reason it scares the soldiers is because they know that they will go through with the punishment because they have been punished before. The second of the four principles of effective intervention is ciminogenic need principle. Criminogenic need principle posits that intervention programs must focus on change factors related to the offender’s antisocial conduct. Some of the important factors to target include antisocial values and attitudes, substance abuse, antisocial peers, dysfunctional families, and poor decision-making and problem-solving skills. â€Å"Unfortunately many intervention programs target factors that have little or nothing to do with an individual’s current criminal behavior.† (Wright, F  2012) When going up in a dysfunctional family, you learn that it is acceptable to be that way. When gang member have children , their children grow up thinking that what their parent is doing is acceptable, so when they get to the age that they can make their own decisions, they do what they grew up knowing, gang banging. On the contrary an example I am going to bring up the incident that happened in Connecticut a couple days ago. The killer did not have a dysfunctional family, but the old babysitter had reported that when she would watch him his mother would say to never take her eye off of him, even when going to the bathroom which can form a theory that he had always acted up in odd ways. The third of the four principles of  effective intervention is the treatment principle. The treatment principle tells us that intervention programs should use a mix of cognitive and behavioral strategies. As John Wright states, â€Å"Cognitive approaches confront the way offenders think, their criminal values and attitudes, and their decision making. Behavioral approaches, by contrast, seek to model, reward, and reinforce prosocial behavior. Numerous studies show that cognitive-behavioral strategies work better than other intervention strategies for offenders, including nondirective talk therapy and psychoanalytic approaches. Nondirective approaches do not tend to work with most offenders because they are usually concrete in their thinking and not always able to think rationally.† (J. Wright, 2012) When you are in prison, if you do not get into trouble they will send you to a work camp, which gives you more privileges than the average prisoner. When you get in trouble in prison, they will take away any little privileges that you do have, that would be an example of behavioral approaches. An example of a cognitive approach would be to have a criminal in therapy, with a physiological expert who would know how to pick the offenders brain to figure out the way they think then question them on the reason they think like that. The fourth and last principle of effective intervention is the fidelity principle. The fidelity principle is in affect to make it so that the other three principles are being held to the standard. â€Å"Some individuals should never work with offenders. When they do they often reinforce criminal thinking patterns and antisocial behavior† (J. Wright 2012). The people that work with these offenders must be one hundred percent qualified, and well as have proven positive results of their work or else their job in this intervention is useless. The working will just cause the offenders to get worst. All the jobs within the intervention are important because if everyone is not doing their part within the program then the results from the program will not look effective. These four principles have been proven to be effective and I believe that if we continue to use it, that we will avoid many offenders from have a second  offense and keep the crime rate down within our country. In this essay you have learned all four of the principles effective in the community corrections, risk principle, crimongenic  need principle, treatment principle, and fidelity principle, and the roles that they play within the intervention. References Beeler, A. (2007). What works in corrections: Reducing the criminal activities of offenders and delinquents. Corrections Compendium, 32(2), 36-36. Retrieved from Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A. (1995). Examining what works in community corrections. Corrections Today, 57(1), 28-28. Retrieved from Petersilia, J (November 2007) What Works In Community Corrections, The PEW Center of the States. Retrieved by Wright, J (2012) What Works In Changing Offenders? Retrieved from

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Rise of Christianity – Did Jesus Want to Start a New Religion?

If the Gospels are accurate in reporting that God sent Jesus to earth, what did Jesus come to earth to do? What was his mission? Let's briefly consider a few of Jesus' own statements about why he came. How better to discover his mission than to hear what he himself had to say about it? â€Å"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets,† he said, thus endorsing the teaching of the entire Old Testament. â€Å"I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them† (Matthew 5:17). Jesus came to â€Å"fulfill† the Old Testament, in part, by living in complete obedience to God.Although he faced the same temptations that stalk us, it is written that he never sinned once. That's why he could become the perfect sacrifice for every nation’s sins, as the Bible tells us: â€Å"God made him who had no sin [Jesus] to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God† (2 Corinthians 5:21). The Christian message is not merel y about eternal life some day, after we die, in some far-off heaven. It is about living life to the maximum right here and right now. There really is no other way to take Jesus' words: â€Å"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life† (John 10:10).In the era that Jesus walked the Earth in, we can imagine the Roman Empire. The Roman government practiced syncretism, accepting that all religious beliefs, philosophical teachings, and government systems are ultimately compatible, or a reflection of, a larger system – the Roman system. They practiced one of the first â€Å"one country, two systems† policies – pronouncing that all people had religious freedom, political freedom, and freedom of thought, yet maintaining strict control. The Jews held much distrust and often hatred for the Roman Empire – they were unwilling subjects.At the time of Jesus’ birth, the local Roman ruler, King Herod had initiated a massacre of all Jewish baby boys born at the time. Such actions added more reasons for Jewish resentment of the foreign Roman government. The Jews understood the world to be divided into two types of people: Jewish and Gentile (non-Jew). The Jews worked hard to disassociate themselves from the Gentiles. King Herod employed many laborers by commissioning many public works (e. g. building temple in Jerusalem, palaces, ports, fortresses, stadiums, ornate stone carvings, etc. ) There was a very large disparity between rich and poor.Jesus approached the scene with the proclamation that he had come to dispatch the difference between rich or poor, Gentile or Jew, and sinner or saint. While accumulating followers, others opposed his ministry with the belief that he was gaining fame all for the sake of wanting to be seen as God Almighty. All the same, Jesus never stated or claimed to be God. He did ,nonetheless ,claim to be the son of God. It is true that Jesus never said, â€Å"I am God † directly. However, most of His teachings were done through parables, and not by direct statements. His disciples asked Him why He taught this way.His answer was: â€Å"To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him shall more be given, and he shall have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. † (Matthew 13:11-13) Along with witnessed miracles performed, his technique and approach reeled in crowds of all kinds of denominations.Some may hold the opinion that he hoodwinked desperate believers by using magic or tricks to allure them into his ministry. Others were awfully intimidated by Jesus and his prophecies , thus forth came his crucifixion. Even after death, there was still more to come. â€Å"Don' t be alarmed,† he said, â€Å"You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. † (Mark 16:6) The book from the evangelist Mark records that after three days, Jesus Christ arose from his grave and ascended back to Heaven to reunite with his father, God Almighty.After death and acclaimed resurrection, many still testified to spiritual and physical encounters with Jesus. One person who can testify to this is the apostle Paul. Apart from Jesus, Paul is the most significant figure in the development of early Christianity. He has profoundly influenced such monumental figures as Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. Of the 27 books of the New Testament, thirteen are attributed to Paul. Luke tells us in Acts 9 that Paul was on the road to Damascus when he saw a light from heaven and heard a voice saying, â€Å"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?†Paul responds, â€Å"Who are you, Lord? † and the r eply came, â€Å"I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. † Paul was blind for three days, and then his site was restored when Ananias laid hands on him. This story is not in Paul’s own writing, although Paul does tell us something of his conversion experience (See Gal. 1. 13. -16; 1 Cor. 15. 3-9). In one way or another, it seems that Paul believes that he received a revelation of the risen Christ. Whatever happened, it completely changed Paul's life, and he went from being a persecutor of Christians to the greatest missionary of the early church.Paul’s influence of early Christianity was one of great measure. Paul was the author of many writings that were written during his imprisonment of an estimated six to seven years in Rome. During this period of time Paul authored books in letters to all churches holding different denominations with instruction and inspiration to motivate and minister to his readers about following the teachings of Christ and repenting their sins to God through prayer and worship. The Bible does not tell us how or when the apostle Paul died, and history does not provide us with any information.The only thing we have to go on is Christian tradition, which has Paul being behead in Rome, around the mid 60s A. D. , during the reign of Nero. His role in Christianity has resulted in giving him the title â€Å"The Founder of Christianity†. Just as Paul was captivated by his experience with Jesus many others also became believers because of their experiences. Recorded in the book according to the evangelist Luke, there was a woman with the inability to stand straight up (a condition referred to as stooped ) who meets Jesus on a Sabbath Day (A Saturday supposedly) in one of the synagogues of the city he was then in.Although the Law of Moses states that the Sabbath is a day of rest; Jesus heals this woman of her condition and she is then enabled to stand upright without unease and strain. Jesus is said to have opposed many rules and laws through his miracles, but nonetheless continued to heal and preach to many whether the situation and timing was convenient or not ; gaining many followers in the process of doing so.In response to the question of whether or not Jesus was setting out to form his own religion; it is my opinion that that is a misconception to say so. Jesus, in my perspective, was set on saving lives and teaching sinners to follow God and repent their sins so that they could join he and his father in Heaven. It will most likely always be someone’s opinion that Jesus had other motives behind his healing and ministries, however the revealing of the truth is yet to arrive to us. Was he our messiah or our magician? You decide.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Consequences of the Korean War

Consequences of the Korean War * The Korean War never ended, and they are still under an armistice to this day. The Korean War is technically not over; all that's keeping the two sides from going to war again is a cease-fire agreement. * The Korean War brought the US and Russia further apart, and the fear of communism would later lead the US to throw itself into Vietnam, to avoid another North Korea. * It also brought China into conflict with the US, bringing bad feelings between the two countries which would last for decades. To this day, American troops are staitioned along the border between the Koreas and there are still reports of sporadic firing. * The war also created a strong bond between South Korea and the United States. * Syngman Rhee's southern regime became even more dictatorial, and in 1960 he resigned after student riots. South Korea only became more unstable with his departure, and it is only in the last two decades that South Korea has really seen sustained economic growth. * In North Korea, Kim Il-sung developed a full-scale personality cult, and ruled until his death in 1994. Tensions between the two countries remain to this day, perhaps seen best in North Korea's boycott of the 1988 Seoul Olympics, to which the USSR and PRC sent athletes. The legacy of the Korean War continues to haunt the United States, as the US worries about North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons. * * The Korean War was able to bring diverse effects to not only Korea but the World. The Korean War was one of the most destructive and brought economic and social damage to Korea. However, the Korean War was able to boost the economy of both Japan and the US.The Korean War also legitimized the United Nations and led to further expansion of military power. The Korean War also showed the growing anti-communist feeling across the US. The Korean War brought both positive and negative effects to the world. * The Korean War brought many negative effects to Korea. â€Å"The Kor ean War was one of the most destructive of the 20th century. Perhaps as many as 4 million Koreans died throughout the peninsula, two-thirds of them civilians. This compares, for example, with the 2. 3 million Japanese who died in WWII.China lost up to 1 million soldiers, and the US suffered 36,934 dead and 103,284 wounded. Other UN nations suffered 3322 dead and 11,949 wounded. † (http://encarta. msn. com/text_7 6559607__0/Korean_War. html) The Korean War also brought social damage to Korea, â€Å"especially in the North, where three years of bombing left hardly a modern building standing. †(http://encarta. msn. com/text_761559607__0/Korea_War. html) The war also reinforced the boundaries between the North and the South. North Korea remained a communist nation and South Korea became a free republic.This social difference still brings conflict even today. * Although the Korean War had negative effects on Korea, it did however boost the economy of Japan,† The war ha d a lasting consequence beyond Korea. Much of the material used in the war was bought from nearby Japan. This gave Japanese economy such an dynamic boot after the ravages of WWII that some have called the Korean War, Japan’s Marshal Plan, a reference to the US economic aid program that helped rebuild post-war Europe. The Korean War had similar effects on the American economy, as defense spending nearly quadrupled in the last six months of 1950. (http://encarta. msn. com/text_761559607__0/Korea _War. html) The Korean War although devastating to Korea was able to bring a new beginning to the Japanese with a better economy. The Korean War was able to give the Japanese the success that WWII gave the US after the depression. * Besides world economic success and social devastation the Korean War was also able to legitimize the United Nations as well as bring larger military expansion to the world. â€Å"It confirmed the ideas behind NSC-68, with its call for US to expand its milit ary and to lead an anticommunist alliance. Goldfield, pg 870) The Korean War also, â€Å"responsible for establishing America’s chain of military bases around the world and its enormous defense and intelligence system at home. † (http://encarta/msn. com/text_761559607__0/Korean_War. html) The Korean War was able to reinforce the idea of a more prominent military system and the importance of the United Nations. * The Korean War had both positive and negative effects. The Korean War was able to boost the economy of the Japanese government and revive their economy similarly to the way ours was during WWII. The Korean War, however, was very destructive to Korea.Both North and South Korea had much causality but they both were stretched economically. With the end of the Korean War it left Korea still split and still with a communist government to deal with even through today. The Korean War also legitimized the United Nations as well as brought more military power throughout the world. The effects of the Korean War can without a doubt still be seen throughout the world today. * January 14, 1950: Ho Chi Minh proclaims DRV (Democratic Republic of Vietnam). * April 25, 1950: Truman approves NSC-68 * May 30, 1950: In South Korea, Republic Of Korea elections.Many conservatives ousted by moderates. * June 25, 1950: North Korea crosses the 38th Parallel, invading South Korea. * June 25, 1950: First Blair House meeting. * June 26, 1950: North Korea's tanks reach the outskirts of Seoul. * June 27, 1950: Truman commits US Naval and Air support to South Korea. * June 27, 1950: American Delegate asks UN to furnish assistance to ROK (Republic of Korea) to restore international peace. * June 29, 1950: General MacArthur flies to South Korean headquarters at Suwon. * June 30, 1950: Truman and advisers agree to give MacArthur 2 divisions. July 2, 1950: NKPA (North Korean People's Army) takes Suwon. * July 22, 1950: Communist Chinese attack Nationalist Chinese islands, Quemoy and Little Quemoy. * July 29, 1950: MacArthur visits Formosa, home of the Nationalist Chinese defeated by Mao. * August 17, 1950: US announces in UN its goal of a unified, anti-Communist Korea. * August 27, 1950: US planes accidentally attack Manchurian airfields. * September 11, 1950: Truman approves NSC-81/1. * September 15, 1950: With US/UN/ROK forces pushed back nearly to the end of the Korean peninsula, MacArthur launches the Inchon Invasion. September 27, 1950: Walker's Eighth Army makes contact with X Corps. MacArthur gives OK for US forces to cross the 38th Parallel. * September 29, 1950: Syngman Rhee's government ceremonially restored in reconquered Seoul. * October 9, 1950: US Army crosses 38TH Parallel near Kaesong. * October 15, 1950: Wake Island Meeting * October 19, 1950: US forces occupy Pyongyang * October 24, 1950: MacArthur orders his troops into Korea's northernmost provinces. * October 25, 1950: South Korean ROK forces annihilated by PRC (People's Republic of China) forces at Pukchin. * November 1, 1950: First US vs.Communist Chinese fighting at Unsan * November 3, 1950: UN resolution passed, censuring North Korea for â€Å"breach of peace† * November 7, 1950: Congressional Elections in US, seen as a referendum on Truman's policy. * November 27, 1950: US Marines/Infantry surrounded by Chinese Communist forces at Chosin Reservoir. * November 30, 1950: In press conference, Truman admits US may be considering using A-Bomb. * December 15, 1950: Truman declares a state of national emergency. * January 4, 1951: Ridgway evacuates Seoul, withdraws from Inchon * January 25, 1951: Operation Thunderbolt. US/UN/ROK forces go back on the offensive. February 1, 1951: UN censures People's Republic of China for â€Å"aggression† * February 1951: Operation Killer begun. * March 7, 1951: Ridgway launches Operation Ripper. * March 15, 1951: US/UN/ROK forces retake Seoul. * March 24, 1951: MacArthur unilaterally issues an ultimatum to the People's Republic of China. * April 4, 1951: Congress endorses NATO, sends Eisenhower to head unified NATO command. * April 5, 1951: Operation Rugged. * April 5, 1951: Truman dismisses MacArthur from command. * May 3, 1951 to June 25, 1951: Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigates MacArthur's dismissal. April 14, 1951: Gen. James Van Fleet assumes tactical command of Eighth Army. * April 22, 1951: All-out Communist offensive fails to retake Seoul. * May 15, 1951: Another Communist offensive, again fails to take territory. * May 18, 1951: Ridgway launches counteroffensive. * May 18, 1951: UN nations start military goods boycott of the People Republic of China. * May 30, 1951: Operation Piledriver, an offensive against the Iron Triangle, begins. * June 30, 1951: Ridgway broadcasts first American overture for peace talks. * July 8, 1951: Peace talks begin at Kaesong. August 19, 1951: Communists accuse UN forces of violating the Kaesong area, suspend the talks. * October 25, 1951 : Peace talks resume at Panmunjom. * March 29, 1952: Truman announces he will not run for reelection. * April 11, 1952: Truman relieves Eisenhower of command so he can run for President. * June 1952: Washington authorizes bombing Korean power plants on the Yalu river. * July 11, 1952: US air attack on Pyongyang. * August 5, 1952: Rhee wins another clearly rigged election. * November 4, 1952: Eisenhower wins Presidential election in landslide. November 29, 1952: Eisenhower secretly goes to Korea on fact-finding mission * February 11, 1953: Eisenhower replaces the frustrated Van Fleet with Lt. Gen. Maxwell Taylor. * April 16, 1953: Communists attack â€Å"Pork Chop Hill† * April 26, 1953: Talks resume at Panmunjom. * June 8, 1953: â€Å"Terms of Reference,† regulating POW repatriation, signed. * July 19, 1953: Delegates reach agreement at Panmunjom. * July 27, 1953: Peace Treaty signed at Panmunjom. 38th parallel reset as boundary between communist North and anti-communi st South. Cold War tensions continue unabated.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Intermediaries of IP Commercialization and Its Business Operation in Term Paper

Intermediaries of IP Commercialization and Its Business Operation in the Open Innovation, such as Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs - Term Paper Example The research and development team of organizations focus on developing and fabricating creative ideas that can help the company in coming out with a product that meets the evolving need of the customer and more. While in the recent past most organizations operated on the principle of closed innovation that required the companies generate, develop, and market their own ideas, the past few years have witnessed a dramatic shift towards open innovation model where the companies â€Å"commercialize external (as well as internal) ideas by deploying outside (as well as in-house) pathways to the market† (Chesbrough, 2003, p36). This new model has gained wide popularity owing to its wider perspective and application that allows companies to create value through an open culture and closer integration with its surrounding environment. Open innovation model is based on free flowing knowledge and information sources that contribute to value addition for both manufacturers as well as end co nsumers. While the model does allow businesses to utilise and exploit new opportunities, the challenge lies in tapping key knowledge resources and expertise that have the potential to generate profitable ventures. The closed innovation business model applied strict controls over its intellectual property rights (IPR) and the management focused on guarding its IPR to prevent competitors from stealing their innovative ideas. But in the age of open innovation model, businesses focused their strengths on commercializing their ideas and allowing its competitors to use their IP and purchase other firms IP to improve profitability. The organizational strategies today work on defining new strategies that enable them to exploit the open innovation model for creating new ventures and expanding their existing scope of markets and revenue towards potential revenue addition sources. The focus is to utilise their existing resources and technologies to accomodate innovative ideas that open new sou rces of market capturing strategies and expanding operational scope (Chesbrough, 2003). The key issue that arises from the open innovation model is the protection and commercialization of intellectual property (IP) and the different intermediary channels used for this purpose. It must be noted in this context that IP is an intangible asset that is not only difficult to valuate but also involves a lot of legal risks. There are number of intermediary channels that enable easy and smooth transaction of IP between innovators, funders and prospective users who develop products based on the IP. The paper provides a deeper insight into the operations and mechanisms of these intermediary channels that cash in on firms looking for IP that creates new opportunities in an open innovation environment. Intellectual property – the concept Before going into the details of IP intermediaries and its commercialization aspects it is important to understand the concept of intellectual property a nd its basics. Intellectual property can refer to any innovative idea and this idea has the potential to

Concerto genre Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concerto genre - Term Paper Example For the purposes of this genre study, I seek to research and discuss concerto genre. Particularly, I will work on piano concerto by Frantz Liszt. Frantz was renowned for his exemplary virtuosic skills with the piano. Many people still claim that his level of perfection with the piano matched Paganini with his violin. I really like his piano concerto No. 1, which was done in E-flat major. The concerto can listen on I would really love and welcome anyone who would help me deconstruct and analyze this concerto. I have listened to it several times and compared the concerto with others with the same artist. I wish to compare Frantz Liszt’s piano concerto No. 1 with one of the latest piano artists named John Ireland. His music can be found on After listening to the two set of music, I found some similarities albeit not much. Any assistance on comparison would be v ery welcome.Response to Post Number 2I like your approach since it is almost similar to mine. We are both exploring piano artists although yours focuses on sonata while mine focusses on concertos. Certainly, Robert Schumann did complicated pieces of sonatas. Although you have not yet generated a rhapsody URL for both artists, your link for Robert Schumann works and is good for both his history and music as well. Perhaps you should explain more about how his elements of insanity are reflected in his music.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Web User Interface Design Principals Term Paper

Web User Interface Design Principals - Term Paper Example Web user interface designing is therefore the process of creating or improving the visual and utility of a website by making it user friendly. This is achieved by making the website contain the following principals: user friendly, this is when the user enjoys using the interface due to ease in utility; simple memorization, the user is able to remember how to use the structure of the site ease after a period of time without using the interface; reliable, the interface can easily meet users' needs with minimal effort and resources; efficient, the user goals are meet within the shortest time possible through easy understandable instructions; useful, the can achieve his needs in a comprehensive and systematic way; learning ability, this principle basically answers the question how easy is it for the user to understand the basics (Miller, 2011). These principles are achieved through a well set up engineering design systems. This therefore brings us to the subject of discussion in this pap er and that is system design engineering. System design engineering involves design, construction and maintenance of large software systems. The first stage involves project management methodology. It is this methodology that is used to create web interface programs/ websites (Duyne, 2003). The main aim of coming up with a methodology is to concentrate on the design phases and analysis and this trickles down to reduced development and production cost. Web design methodologies are categorized into five and these are: Waterfall, Structure System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM), Prototyping, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Incremental Prototyping. According to Bean (2009), the water fall method contains a series of connected stages that cover the development process with the smallest level of redundant instruction between each stage. The disadvantage of this method is that its structures are rigid and lack iteration between any stages that are not adjacent. The web is rapidly g rowing structure therefore any method used in web site development must be highly versatile. The Structure Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM), is method designed to develop fairly large websites. This method concentrates on the design and analysis stages with the aim of reducing errors that might arise later. Prototyping is used in the development of interactive applications whereby the visual layout is important than the utility process of the system. The major problem of this method is that the user adds components on the prototype that are not part of the original system requirement thus the project is in constant state of prototype. Secondly it involves a large coverage of users; this raises the concern in defining a set of users to analyze the prototype (Garrett, 2011). The Rapid Application Development (RAD) method is a form of prototyping that contains numerous minute prototypes that make a large system and are deleted once they have been analyzed. Finally there is th e Incremental Prototyping, which allows development of large systems in stages. The systems are developed to completion first and then other minor entities are added to the system later. This method is mostly used by web designers because it is highly dynamic and it supports website growth in terms of functionality and size. The incremental method therefore helps manage website sprawl.† These are considered to be the traditional methods of web designing (Powell, 2000). It is now the designers mandate to choose which web system methodology that suits the needs of the project he

Monday, August 26, 2019

Four Aspects of a Community College President Research Paper

Four Aspects of a Community College President - Research Paper Example Such responsibilities become even more important when considering the fact that the personality traits to complete the jobs are far and few between (Dearlove, 1997). Community college Presidents require the ability to communicate enthusiastically and energetically the role of the college to internal/external constituencies to achieve a sense of common purpose. Moreover, they must possess the ability to provide for the common purpose of the students, teachers, and community at large. Additionally, Presidents require the ability to provide for the fostering of excellence in all college offerings through enthusiasm, vision and innovation. The President must also demonstrate the capacity to assume a leadership role in involving the college in the economic growth of the community. This means that the President must have a commitment to keep the college technologically up to date while expressing a level of sensitivity to the unique needs of faculty, staff and students. In this paper I wil l focus on 4 primary tasks for the President: 1. The CEO Contracts and Performance Evaluations 2. Institutional Advancements 3. Politics and Media (Damage Control) 4. Institutional Governance The President of a community college must function as a CEO and provide regular evaluations of the faculty and other individuals that help make up the organization. In fact, the Community College's mission statement cannot be realized without a competent, motivated, and efficient workforce. The performance evaluation is a necessary component to any performance management and professional development program for employees. Performance evaluations are intended to support skill building of each employee and to encourage an efficient and effective operation (Brubacher, 1982). They are extremely important not only for identifying weak links within an organizational structure, but also for identifying the strong points that are responsible for much success. Meaning that performance evaluations will n ot only show individuals how to improve where their staff is lacking, but also it can indicate where an organization is succeeding. In fact, performance evaluations are created for 3 primary reasons. The first is that it measures the extent to which the employee's performance meets the requirements of the position. It is the opportunity to appraise past performance by recognizing and supporting good performance and identifying areas that might require improvement. The second purpose of performance evaluations are to establish goals for the future. This is important because it allows institutions to identify a method through which they can advance their human resources and consequentially the organization as a collective institution. The third and final objective of the performance evaluations is to strengthen the relationship between the supervisor and the employee. This is done so by opening channels of communication and creating opportunities to assess the employee, the position a nd plan for the future of the departmental human resources (Brubacher, 1982). These goals are best accomplished through interactive review of the position description, identifying opportunities for performance growth and focusing on enhancement of all areas of performance. While there are many professors at a single community college, most Presidents do not personally interview each professor, instead they select department heads who are in control of each of their departments. Beyond the presidents specific roles,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois - Term Paper Example He says in the book, "One hesitates, therefore, to criticize a life which beginning with so little, has done so much. And yet the time is come when one may speak in all sincerity and utter courtesy of the mistakes and shortcomings of Mr. Washington's career as well as of his triumphs, without being captious or envious and without forgetting that it is easier to do ill than well in the world† (Documenting the American South). Starting with the issue of education, Washington had given the proposal of providing industrial education to blacks in order to alleviate their position in the society. Du Bois, however, held different views and criticized this proposal by saying that the education provided to blacks should not be industrial; rather, it should be one which would form leaders and educators in the black community. He believed that this would prove to be beneficial in the long run and I believe he is right in stating this. The black community needed people from among them who would continue to work for the rights of the blacks, rather than people who would only benefit their own surroundings. Education for African Americans would not only make the social position of people better but also improve the views that others held about blacks. As Du Bois believed, educating the African American would also remove any misconceptions about the black race and would help people recognize the contribution they were making to the society. Du Bois is also critical of Washington as he seems to promote the idea of submissiveness of blacks to the whites’ system. He does this by recommending that blacks give up three major privileges that make them a significant part of the society: political power, i.e. the right to vote, civil rights and higher education. Without these things, it is not possible for African Americans to make economic progress and grow as a society. Without such rights, African Americans would not be able to look at themselves in a respectful way, let alone having others do so. Without an identity of their own, they would not be able to break out of their own shell and move higher up in the society; rather, they will remain submissive all their lives. Washington was focused more on peacefully co-existing in a society dominated by the whites while Du Bois wanted to break this dominance and lead the African American community towards social, political and economic advancement. The policies of Washington seemed that he appeased the white status quo, instead of improving that of the blacks. This was evident through the fact that he believed that the African Americans should retain their status as farmers, work on cash crops and continue living in the south. He discouraged them from moving up north and demanding civil rights. This makes us doubtful of his ability as a leader, as he did not try to improve the position of his people but rather helped them adjust to their circumstances. Du Bois criticized his views as he believed tha t blacks needed education, not economics, to prosper. With higher education, there would be higher paying jobs and hence a stronger position in the society coupled with economic equality and parity. This was put into words by Du Bois in the following quote: "If we make money the object of maintaining, we shall develop

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast___how technology is changing the way we live and Essay

Compare and Contrast___how technology is changing the way we live and the way we think - Essay Example Claudia Wallis in her article, â€Å"Gen M: The Multitasking Generation,† and Nicholas Carr’s â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† both argue against much of the way people interact and rely upon the technology both physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially in a few unpleasant ways. He focuses more on the intellectual laziness access to fast internet answers can breed and she focuses more on the social and interpersonal communicational perspective when people persistently interact and multitask with technology and how that can have a negative effects; both of these authors are absolutely right. Claudia Wallis discusses children are perpetually interacting with technology and that parents think there multitasking is a product and a credit to the presence of that technology and their minds, Unfortunately, that is little better than a â€Å"wives tale† that people may tells themselves to justify children’s excessive technological interactions. â€Å"Human beings have always had a capacity to attend to several things at once. Mothers have done it since the hunter-gatherer era--picking berries while suckling an infant, stirring the pot with one eye on the toddler† (Wallis p. 1). Many biologists and anthropologists would easily agree the things that defines us as human is our curiosity, ability to learn and adapt, and our ability to multitask and process multiple information at once; this did not evolve as a side effect of technological advancement. In truth, excessive interaction with technology leads to anti-social in face-to-face antisocial that belies th e communal and communicative nature of our species. The interactions online and the relationships we make are shallow and superficial, based on the shared likes and dislikes of other things posted on sites. There is also a misconception that the presence of all of this sophisticated

Friday, August 23, 2019

Family in Europe Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Family in Europe - Coursework Example This was generally expressed in terms of the father as king over the family. He was the ultimate authority who decided all things and in whose hands the welfare of all rested. However, problems at the state level began to change this dynamic. It was proven again and again that the kings did not necessarily take their paternal duties seriously, allowing many of their ‘children’ to die of disease and starvation. In order to break with these monarchs, it was necessary to break the linkage in people’s minds between the king and the father. This break, once instituted, remained and the political role of the family in terms of defining the operations of the state waned. The idea that the father was the king of the family led to a natural relationship between the king and the father. Viewed as a king, the King of a nation was often too abstract and distant for common people to fully understand or heed allegiance to. However, thinking of the king as the father made him instantly more accessible as his duties became clear in the minds of the populace. While peasants had a very little conception of what a king was required to do in order to make the state operate efficiently, they were able to envision him as the man taking care of all the top-level orders that would be necessary for the running of an efficient estate as the father normally did. This was true whether the estate was a leased cottage on farmland or a grand collection of homes and properties that each had to be maintained. This connection was reinforced by Biblical connection to the tasks laid upon Adam and the analogy between king and God in that each determined the fates of the flock of ‘children’ under him. Adam was given the rulership over all life on earth, highlighting the need for a supreme ‘decider’ while God was the ultimate father in heaven.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay Example for Free

Process Design Matrix and Summary Essay This process design matrix and executive summary will focus on Mac Tool Company and there performance measurement process. This executive summary is needed for Mac tools due to their lack of process performance management that will include service approaches, that consist of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. This summary will also cover product approaches for their process performance measurements that consist of, batch assembly line and continuous flow approaches. This executive summary of process performance measurement will quantitatively tell Mac Tools something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that produce them. To conclude this summary, this tool will help Mac Tools understand, manage, and improve the company’s processes. To begin, the first service approach for Mac Tools process performance management consist of production line approach to improve the company’s performance efficiently and effectively. Mac Tools starts with each employee receiving their performance file that includes their consistency, effectiveness, and efficiency for their progress for success and promotions. These performance measurements, that includes their 10-15 machines of production line approaches. There will be a selection on running their machine to run perfect parts or to make changes but this way they have it recorded and make the changes as needed. The second service approach for the process performance measurement plan consists of, a self-service approach. Mac Tools will be implementing EMC2 consulting services with HR and then management to assure that every activity provides meaningful value. (EMC2, 2013). At Mac Tools there are a lot of fragmented processes that can be avoided so financially and human resources are not drained and diminish any chances of keeping up with changing markets and customer demand. There are self-service approaches in this change for the  process performance management plan for every employee (machine operators etc†¦) that include, â€Å"Streamline processes to expedite new product introduction, standardize, integrate, and improve existing processes, design and implement new processes, simulate and model processes for operators, define process metric and performance management strategies.†(EMC2, 2013). The third service approaches for the process performance management plan consist of personal attention approach. Mac Tools should implement the personal attention approach that will include specific competencies that will best be determined through a job analysis process. Competencies that will be included in this personal attention job analysis approach will consist of, accountability and dependability, adaptability and flexibility, advocating causes analysis and reasoning attention to detail business alignment. All of these competency functions are to determine each employee’s performance file and documented with constructive criticism and praise to becoming successful with and for the company. The Mac Tool Company also needs to implement product approaches for their process performance management plan. The first product approach that will be implemented is known as a batch approach. A batch approach can be known as a lean manufacturing process also and focuses on demand-based flow manufacturing. â€Å"This type of production setting, inventory is pulled through each production center when it is needed to meet production orders; this will deliver the benefits of, decreased cycle time, less inventory, increased productivity and increased capital equipment utilization.† (Wiki, 2013) The second product approach for Mac Tools process performance management plans consist of, assembly line approach. By Mac Tools implementing the assembly line approach, it will keep all operators on the same page and get product sent to the next department for the assembly of the product being put together. Then finally are sent to the final department to be inspected and shipped. Having different departments for the processes of the product, and having an assembly line approach for each step will keep the company’s organization on line for their performance management. The third product approach for Mac Tools process performance management plans consist of, a continuous flow approach. The continuous flow approach are implemented through the â€Å"lean building blocks†, like, â€Å"Five S: Aims to bring orderliness, tidiness , and cleanliness to operations ,visual controls: All  tooling parts and other production activities are kept clearly in view to help everyone understand the status of the process at a glance. Poka-Yoke: Mistake Proofing. Process designs can be modified to make it nearly impossible for mistakes, spills, leaks, and other process upsets to occur. By implementing these techniques and others will uphold the continuous flow approach for the process performance management plan for the Mac Tool Company. In conclusion, the process design matrix and executive summary was focused on the Mac Tool Company and what their performance measurement process entailed. The executive summary was needed for Mac Tools due to their lack of process performance management that was included in these service approaches that consisted of production line, self-service, and personal attention approaches. The summary also covered product approaches for their process performance measurements that consisted of, batch, assembly line, and continuous flow approaches. The executive summary that entailed their process performance measurements will quantitatively tell Mac Tools something important about their products, services, and any of the processes that produced them. To conclude this summary, this tool will ensure that Mac Tools understands, manages, and improves the company’s processes for their future business and profits. References EMC2, (2013). Business process management. Retrieved on January 13, 2015 from management-bpm.htm Lean Manufacturing (2013). Wikipedia. Retrieved on January 13, 2015 from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Internet, or computers is a new necessity Essay Example for Free

Internet, or computers is a new necessity Essay This paper asserts that the Internet is not a luxury anymore in everyday life, hence it is has become a new necessity and that the Internet today benefits many aspects of life physically, economically and socially. This paper will prove these assertions with evidence and counterarguments by overcoming by at least one argument that may forwarded against. Starting with physical reason, it is argued by some that Internet is should only be used by those in the office and those who have the luxury of time and money. Computers which are means to access the Internet are needed only if one has money is the justification of some. This may have been the result a survey conducted for the Americans (Pew Research Center, 2006) where the respondents were all rich and therefore they can afford to have computers that would eventually lead them to have a continuous access in the Internet. If one ask a group of people who have no money, will they then answer the same thing or will they answer that they also need the internet only that they cannot afford? This paper believes the second argument that the lack of money in the meantime is equivalent to absence of need. This is argument may be the result the of movement to give one laptop for each child by a non government organization despite the utter lack of money of every child to have the access to the internet. The hidden reason is the indispensability of having to be linked to the world to benefit from the knowledge economy. The lack of money should not be therefore a reason recognize that the need is not there. To further support this counter argument is the belief that a hungry man who cannot afford to eat does not mean that he or she does not need the food the food anymore. What the hungry do is to find the means in order to have that food. For economic reason, it is argued by some that access to the Internet via computers should only be accessed by those who have financial transactions via the network. The internet is supposed to facilitate business communications among those who are into it like the banks. The said argument misses the point of having to have access in the Internet. Who else will not need the banking industry this time? If one belongs to a third world country and waits for a cash remittance from a first world country, does he or she not know that the money will have to pass through the Internet that links the banks around the world. In case the remitter and the expected recipient will encounter a problem with the remittance, will they not require the use of the Internet to facilitate the communication? If this happened before, they can talk via phone but this time a cheaper mode is available. They can chat in the Internet and they can solve their problem from there. That point of this counter argument is that business entities use the Internet, the public will have to follow using the same because that is demanded by the need of the times. It may be explained that the banking industry are interlinked around the world, hence to say that they are not interlinked is shortsightedness. Investors from richer countries of the world are pouring their investments in poorer countries too with the expectation of the developing the market. What will this rich investor’s do is to employ people from these poor countries and the moment these workers have financial capacity, they will immediately become members of the financial community that lives on computers and the Internet. With communications to have become cheaper, the Internet has employed many which afforded people to better educate them selves. Because of the Internet, people can now study online and can transact online. Shall not the better education and better communication caused by the Internet then? For social reason, Hertlein and Sendak (n. d. ) also argued that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet allows users to develop online interpersonal relationships and this resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously existing assumed romantic relationships. They thus argued for Internet infidelity resulting from these breaches. They also noted that fact that as the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, it also inherently affects the manner in which a couple defines intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous and upon which they may not agree under the present level of technology using the Internet. Seeing the effect of such change on interpersonal relationships, they saw the effect of a â€Å"compromised intimacy and a devaluing of the primary relationship, potentially cascading into other significant problems. † (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d. ). It may be counter-argued however that what may have been termed as internet infidelity may infer that as an increased freedom to communicate and express oneself because freedom allows so. It cannot be argued that the Internet cause infidelity because it is the human person who made the choice to communicate for more freely to other people. To justify their points, Hertlein, and Sendak said that the paradoxical nature of online relationships has been noted by many where they illustrated cases of people engaged in online relationships that can choose to present a detached attachment. They explained that Internet allows for immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity thus allowing transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. This, the authors found causes â€Å"elements of a disembodied corporeality, easily abandoned high investment and strictly private proclamations of the union. † (Hertlein and Sendak,n.d. ) Again this appears to be short sighted interpretation of the use of the Interne since it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. It may be argued that people make choices not the Internet. As further evidence against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak found flirting in use of the Internet, masturbations committed online (Hertlein and Sendak , n. d). They cited Maheu and Subotnik who found flirtation leads to erotic satisfaction â€Å"as there is a mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life. † (M Mahu R Subotnik, 9) They also cited research estimates that about 20% of Internet users while online to have engaged in some sexual activity (Cooper, Scherer, Mathy, 2001). On a balancing note, as counterargument against the use of the Internet, Hertlein, and Sendak (n. d. ) cited that benefits from the use of the Internet such as the shift to better intellectual and emotional relationships of individuals due to individuals’ greater appreciation for online relationships. They cited a study, where participants reported greater levels of satisfaction with their online relationships than with their face-to-face relationships (Underwood, H B Findlay, 127-140). They also noted greater freedom to express feelings that could not be done in non-virtual relationships specially the for men. Before one knows it one is confession all sorts of things in the Internet and it is good for people psychologically. Good relationships may be produced in the net because of more freedom to express oneself or the result of an incontrovertible marketing of the self. In ace-to-face communication, one who engages in a relationship must in many aspects expose one’s identity to be potentially judged and the self cannot escape the agony of embarrassment. But in the Internet one can do many things like disguising in many names but with the eventual benefit of self discovery and more psychologically matured to face the world. Thus, Hertlein, and Sendak found that Internet users shape personal demographic information to be in better compliance with what they assume to be others’ version of the ideal mate that in so doing, a person may better come to understand how one’s own being can change. With the anonymity therefore afforded on the Internet that enhances one’s ability to promote any chosen identity, experimentation with different identities has become familiar commonly understood and practices by many in the Internet. What is the effect of all this is the social construction of self as highlighted and elevated? (Hertlein and Sendak, n. d). This paper has proven that the use of the computer or the Internet has become a necessity physically, economically and socially. The arguments forwarded against were overcome by contrary evidence. The physical reason that only in the office have need of the internet has almost made everybody not able almost able to live without the computer or the Internet because it is those who have the resources who make the world running by forcing almost every to see the benefits of the technology. One cannot refuse money passing through the high technology banking using the Internet. One will have to be eventually become part of the banking system of the international communication promoted by the Internet. The economic reasons are obvious. Who does not want cheaper cost of communication and faster way of service? Who would not want to see what is happening in the world when one will have the money to buy even a gadget to have access in the Internet? What would have caused the non-governmental organization to dream for one laptop for each child despite the financial incapacity to acquire one? Should we not rather conclude that there is a strong belief that they the acquisition of knowledge of more knowledge the faster way that will cause intellectual and economic prosperity of these children? There is also enough ground to overcome the argument that that increasingly a part of everyday life, the Internet has allowed the online interpersonal relationships that resulted to breach of relationships and trust and commitment of previously which were romantic relationships before. That the Internet has the ability to affect the structure, timing, and rhythm of relationships, to have affected the couple definition of intimacy in a way that couples who once felt that they were close and connected may now struggle with a new set of rules and codes of conduct that are ambiguous are just sighs of enlightened path for more freedom to intimacy in other forms. It was explained that what may have been termed as internet infidelity is actually a failure to appreciate and adjust to changing reality that people have become more socially adjustable indeed because of the technology. It was thus observed that people engaged in online relationships that can have a detached attachment, immediacy of communication and interaction while maintaining anonymity which transmittal of confessional self-disclosure. The finding by authors of more socially adjusted beings mere pointed to the need to have the technology these days where people could now have parties and occasions even if these people are apart from each other. The argument against by using on line or Internet infidelity is a shortsighted interpretation of the use of the technology as it is basic to understand that it is still the human person who will make a choice and not the Internet. The finding also that online activities resulted to flirtation leading to erotic satisfaction given the mental ability to disassociate the online sex with anything having to do with a person’s real life is just a revelation that man has been doing the same thing in secret with or without the Internet. The Internet was invented to serve mankind and since necessity is the mother of all inventions, one could not but accept the fact the invention has become a necessity. The ever increasing growth of the industry are living proofs Internet is to remain in the lives of many people because not only that the advantages of far outweighs the disadvantages of having the same but the technology come into being because of the need to survive. Economically speaking technology increased production and productivity although population continuously grows. Works Cited:Cooper, Scherer, Mathy, Overcoming †¦over a 5-year Period’, Journal of Personality Social Psychology 84(2): 352–64, 2001 D Greenfield, Virtual Addiction. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1999. Hertlein and Sendak, Love â€Å"Bytes†: Internet Infidelity and the Meaning of Intimacy in Computer-Mediated Relationships, n. d. , www document} URL http://www. inter-disciplinary. net/ptb/persons/pil/pil1/hertleinsendak%20paper. pdf, Accessed July 14,2007 M Mahu R Subotnik, Infidelity on the Internet. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Inc. , 2001, p. 9. Nie, N. Sociability, Interpersonal Relations, and the InternetReconciling Conflicting Findings, 2001, Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 45, No. 3, 420-435 (2001)2001 SAGE Publications, {www document} URL , Pew Research Center Luxury or Necessity? Things We Can’t Live Without: The List Has Grown in the Past Decade December 14, 2006, {www document} URL, http://pewresearch. org/pubs/323/luxury-or-necessity, Accessed July 14,2007 Underwood, H B Findlay, Internet Relationships and Their Impact on Primary Relationship, Behavior Change, 21/2, 2004, pp. 127-140.

SWOT, PESTEL and five forces analysis

SWOT, PESTEL and five forces analysis 2. Introduction The supermarket industry is fierce in terms of its competitors. There are four main firms that have dominant market share but still have the aim to become the market leader and want to be bigger and better for their customers and potential customers. 3. Methodology In order to conduct my research I used a variety of sources which included economical and contemporary books, additional journals were also used to gain more specific and up-to-date information. The internet was also a valuable source due to its nature and variety of widely available information. 4. PEST Model The Pest model allows us to see what changes have happened in the industry and how this can affect competition. It allows us to distinguish the not so important compared to what is vital in the industry. For any firm in this industry it is important to create value for its customers, so therefore an understanding of the customer is vital. To create value, a firm would have to create a form of understanding and a relationship with its suppliers. Also for a firm in this organisation an in depth understanding and monitoring of its competitors is essential in order to be a profitable company and have first mover advantage. This supermarket industry includes the customers, the suppliers and the competition. An understanding of the pest model allows us to discover comprehensive potential opportunities and threats in the future. I.e. global warming may not be an issue now but can be in the next hundred years; this could reflect raw materials for food. 4.2 Political There is a low level of unemployment this due to the recession; this affects the demand of good being bought as consumers have less disposable income. However, food is a commodity and will always be demanded sue to its nature. E.g. the price of stock in supermarkets has dropped in last few years with the intention of boosting demand. Its level of custom has also fallen. There are now restrictions on buying land or buying out another supermarket chain making it more difficult for supermarkets to expand. 4.3 Economical Barriers to entry E.g. Over 5 years it has been reported that 700 hundred supermarket stores have opening ranging from sizes to 3,000 to 25,000 square feet. In comparison to this it is going to be hard for smaller supermarket chains to break into this industry due to it competitors. Only 5 new supermarket stores have opened in last 5 years. As a result of the recession, supermarket chains have to concentrate on the demands of the customer. This could include customers looking at: Cost Prices Profits Overall price is very competitive in this industry. There is also a change in the way consumers shop; supermarket chains such as Tesco have addressed this by giving incentives such as a club card in order to gain brand loyalty and repeat custom. Larger supermarket chains are quick to eliminate competitors. E.g. Sainsburys had bought out star Market and then opened stores across Egypt. 4.4 Social Supermarkets are continually monitoring changing consumer trends and shopping patterns such as; Who is buying the product? When they buy the product? How they buy their products? Which products are they buying? Monitoring these trends and understanding then can create competition in order to be the first to develop products and services that meet changing patterns. E.g. in the UK,75% of customers shop twice a week and seven still shop at different chains. This pattern by UK shoppers is known as Bulk Shopping or One Stop Shopping. Even though the recession has cut back the number of jobs available, supermarkets still employ a large number of people. This could be due to their flexibility in working times such as part time. E.g. Sainsburys employs around 150,000 people in the UK alone. Also there will always be demand for commodities meaning that supermarkets have some level of safety. Some supermarkets use this as a marketing technique, for example Asda aims to create over 7,500 jobs in 2011 (Tue, 16 Nov 2010 ( There is also change in demand regarding taste: organic foods are now much more common in supermarkets due to greater awareness of global warming, fairtrade and many other issues. E.g. there could be health concerns surrounding British beef with BSE. 4.5 Technological Technology has become beneficial to customers in supermarkets. With self checkout tills, shopping has become much easier and more convenient for consumers for shoppers. They are also easy to use meaning that all consumers can take advantage of this new technology. Personalized shopping is also being introduced which again makes shopping easier and more convenient. E.g. Waitrose allows you shop with your own trolley gun. With the technology available and the number of companies supplying it, explosion is the word for it, said Tim M. Hammonds, senior vice president of the Food Marketing Institute in Washington. Almost every store is doing at least one experiment. Tesco are reported to have spent  £25 billion in 2005 setting up their on-line shopping website this also helps chains looking at consumer buying habits. is the worlds biggest online supermarket and this year the group had sales of over  £577 million, an increase of 29% on last year 4.6 Environment Cutting waste; fruit and vegetables have less packaging. Fresh and seasonal produce of a high quality Introduction to organic foods, governments have supported farmers to convert and grow only organic foods. 4.7 Legal Law legislations Health and Safety 5. Swot Analysis The SWOT analysis shows the strengths, Weakness, opportunities and threats in the supermarket industry. 5.1 Strengths Corporate culture The supermarket industry is one of the biggest and profitable Supermarkets are a necessity; people will always need food therefore the demand is always high in relation to other industries. Customers have different tastes; supermarkets have a wide variety of goods and services making it likely that a consumer can purchase all of their necessities in one place. Having different stores allowing access to the mass market. Customer Experiences e.g. in store cafes and facilities. Giving Incentives: Loyalty cards and point reductions on foods. Image; this encourages brand loyalty and can keep an environmentalist reputation. 5.2 Weakness Recession has impacted on supermarkets; giving better price reductions and deals undercutting competitors to retain market share. Low-cost supermarkets such as Aldi, Netto and Lidl have taken consumers due their much lower prices. Smaller supermarkets may have to fold due to recession and a very highly competitive market. Low employee efficiency and high labour turnover. 5.3 Opportunities Market leadership in a highly demanded segments i.e. the growth in organic and natural foods this will establish high economies of scale Merging or acquisitions gaining market share E.g. Morrisons takeover of Safeways. Working with foreign countries help supermarkets break into a new market. Such as Latin America, South East China and South Africa. 5.4 Threats Changes in Government Regulations Recession impacts the economic changes. I.e. Has and impact on customers spending patterns. 6. Portors five forces Porters five forces of competition identify structural variables influencing competition and profitability in the supermarket industry. 6.1 Threats of Entry The supermarket industry is dominated by some big competitor chains such as Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and Morrisons and smaller chains such as Somerfiels, One Stop etc. Bigger Chain competitors have focused more on operation and efficiency and productivity (allowing a wider variety of foods or products, better services etc). This force has left very small and traditional shops like butchers, bakers trailing very far behind. This has made it very hard for new companies to enter the supermarket industry. I.e. it is hard for a new business to raise capital because of the large fixed costs and its in a very much developed market with chains like Tesco have self check out points and their own stock control system. Where as Asda focus on operational tactics, like product development, better promotional activities and concentrating on better distribution. 6.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier Because the industry is fierce and is growing to be influenced by the likes of Tesco and Asda they can negotiate better promotional prices in comparison to smaller chains have a fear of losing business. They benefit from purchasing economies of scale. Suppliers are under threat because big food chains can negotiate better deals abroad. There needs to be an effective relationship with the supplier and its seller, this makes for a better profit margin. 6.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers To meet customer needs there are many things, lowering prices, wider and better choices, countless promotional activities, consistently bettering customer service. E.g. Tesco club card is most successful to date and has added to Tescos profitability. Supermarket chains have become more aware of consumer needs and by expanding in new markets banking, pharmacies and clothing. There is also a push on ethical products as consumers have become increasingly aware, they are now available in most big supermarkets. 6.4 Threat of Substitutes There is a threat that consumers can switch from one supermarket to another, this can be due to consumers being influenced highly on price, better service or quality. In relation to this bigger chains are buying out smaller chains, and opening them strategically in small towns or cities. E.g. Morrisons tookover Safeway as a method of quick expansion. 6.5 Bargaining Power of Competitors The supermarket industry has grown dramatically in size mainly due to bigger chains and continuous growth. This has opened up bigger and better retail concentration, new formats and better customer service. E.g. Tesco retain and build relationship with customers with databases allowing them to see what the consumers have purchased. Companies need to be innovative to keep up with the consumer behaviour such as refocusing on pricing and its values. 6.6 Competitive Rivalry Because the industry is dominated by bigger supermarket chains, there is a constant battle for better prices or better reductions. This results to high price wars to all competitors. Supermarket chains focus on quality and value for the customer in return they could attract new customers of different segments of the market. By bigger chains spending much more on advertising including celebrity endorsement, E.g. Jamie Oliver being the face of Sainsburys and Heston Blumenthal and Delia Smith for Waitrose it becomes much harder for smaller chains to compete. By giving customer price incentives such as Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGOF) this again allows supermarkets to retain and maintain customer satisfaction. Loyalty cards are also good example of this. 7. Conclusion 7.1 Smaller supermarket vs. bigger supermarkets The emergence of a number of smaller grocery stores has increased in the past 12 months. A number of smaller supermarkets have been grasped by larger competitors. Morrisons purchase of 39 Somerfields after Co-Ops disposal programme, led Morrisons to further increase market share in the south east and in the London. Sainsburys followed Morrisons vision, breaking into new areas, opening 22 store acquisitions in the north. The stores average from 17,000 square feet. Waitrose reached beyond the South east, opening 14 new stores, averaging between 5,000 square feet under its actual store size. A recent newspaper headline stated Asda goes shopping at Netto in  £778m takeover deal (27.05.10, London evening standard) showing larger supermarkets being able to takeover much smaller chains. 7.2 Strategies Available During the recession, it is apparent that value for money is most important to the customer. There is little room to negotiate prices as the market is very competitive and each supermarket wants to retain market share. Food Retailers can look into trends and new technologies to differentiate from the competitors, i.e. smarter shopping carts and better formatting of stores. Supermarkets are looking into convenience for the shopper. Smaller stores such as Tescos Express fill the gap between the bigger and smaller stores; they stock ready made meals and supply the basic foods. The sales maybe smaller but they retain market share and overall the business in going to profit. Organic foods are becoming a strong strategy to pull in new customers. There is a distinctive line between luxurious and affordable prices. The organic Market is worth 340 million annually, this figure has doubled in the last 2 years. Supermarkets have recognised the potential and responded with their own range of organic produce. Tescos has market lead and Sainsburys are planning a huge launch of its own organic range as is evident from the newspaper headline below. Tesco turns itself into a green giant (The Sunday Times May 31, 2009) Asda will also be taking advantage, a spokeswoman for Asda says: Organic food is definitely something that can be marketed to the masses. Throughout our stores we have a suggestion box programme called Tuned In. More organics is the number one suggestion. A sales increase from 3.1% to 5.4% in sales. And have increased their organic range from 250 to 400 items with cutting prices. Supermarkets may not be able to persuade shoppers from its competitors directly but convenience of better food products may sway them naturally.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Capital Punishment :: essays research papers

Capital Punishment I recently read an article from the ACLU, written by Adam Bedau. It explained, quite eloquently, that for society to execute a murderer made society no better than the murderer himself. He said, â€Å"The executioner is no better than the criminal.† I was impressed by this moral stance, but I was surprised to read that he failed to apply this logic consistently. For example, the he went on to argue that life imprisonment would be a more appropriate penalty for murder than death. Using this ACLU logic, it appears that for our society to lock someone in a room against his will and not free him for a considerable length of time makes our society no better than the everyday kidnapper. But if an individual locked another up against his will, wouldn’t the ACLU view this as kidnapping. Being from the Methodist faith I found this argument somewhat difficult. For in the Bible there is a scripture that states, â€Å"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.† I presume the ACLU would agree that beatings or torture are also unacceptable forms of punishment for crimes. They seem to be inhumane. Yet in Eastern cultures, if one steals something, they lose a finger or two and sometimes an entire hand depending on the severity of the crime. This seems to be reason enough not to steal, as in these cultures there is a very low theft rate. Maybe the ACLU would find a monetary fine a more appropriate punishment? For society to take money away from someone against his will without giving him any tangible goods in return would make society a thief. Of course, the Bedau also explains that capital punishment brutalizes society, leading to even more murders. If we, as a society, adopt this no-punishment position, it logically follows that there would be less crime. Once criminals realized that no matter what they did, no fellow citizen would lift a finger to stop them, why, they’d just be so overcome with the generosity of their neighbors tha t they’d naturally be inclined to become upstanding, productive citizens.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Managing Effective Work Teams Essay -- Research Papers Work Essays

Managing Effective Work Teams Abstract Many organizations today believe that the use of work teams will allow them to produce better products and provide better services, faster, and at lower costs. Using a work team approach can reinvigorate productivity and service provider motivation, and better position an organization to deal with a rapidly changing environment. However establishing effective work teams is not something that comes easy. Though, the benefits of effective work teams within an organization are very substantial, it takes alot of hard work and dedication on the part of management and team members to develop, implement and maintain effective work teams. Work Team's Popularity in Organizations Some twenty years ago when organizations introduced work teams, they made the news because no one else was using teams. Today, it's almost the opposite. Companies that don't use some form of team approach in conducting business are those that attract attention. Look into almost any business magazine and you will see how teams have become an essential part of the way work is done in companies such as Honeywell, General Electric, Saab, John Deere, Honda, Boeing and Federal Express. One might ask, why is this? Research suggests that a team can usually outperform an individual. Especially, when the tasks being done requires multiple skills, judgment and experience. Also, as organizations restructure themselves to compete more effectively and efficiently, they have learned that teams are a better way to utilize employee talents. Management too, has found that work teams are more flexible and responsive to a changing environment than traditional departments or other forms of permanent work groups. In many situat... to become effective managers in the field public administration or business, can do no wrong in subscribing to the management practice of managing effective work teams. References Cynthia Cantu, University of North Texas, Virtual Teams, 1998 , page 1 & 2 Greg Hendrix, UNT, The Importance of Goals To The Success of Work Teams, 1998 , page 1 Carole A. Townsley, UNT, Resolving Conflict In Work Teams, 1998 , page 1 & 4 Angelique Lee, UNT, Team Compensation: A Broad Overview, Nov. 24, 1997, page 1 Sarah L. Bodner, UNT, Experiential Training: A Stepping For Work Teams, Nov. 24, 1997, page 1, 5, 7, 8, 9

Sunday, August 18, 2019

References to Homosexuality in Walt Whitmans Song of Myself Essay

References to Homosexuality in Walt Whitman's Song of Myself "WHITMAN WAS MORE MAN THAN YOU'LL EVER BE," said a student of Louisiana State University. When asked questions of your sexual preference or thoughts on the issue of sex, I would venture to say it makes most people uncomfortable. This is an age-old topic that people know about, yet do not want to talk about. He was particularly reticent about his issues regarding sex and his particular sexual preference. In fact, of Whitman's struggles the most difficult for him to deal with was his ever so strong homosexual desires (Hubbell 283). Whether homosexuality is right or wrong is not for me to decide. Though I feel it should not be used so explicitly in works of literature. Homosexuality, by definition, is the act of having relations with members of the same sex (Webster's Dictionary). In today's society, we chose to either disregard homosexuality, to accept it, or to engage in it. Someone you least expect is probably a homosexual to some extent. Most heterosexuals tend to pretend that homosexuality does not exist or judge those who chose to engage in it. This issue is not new. In fact, in the early nineteenth century many letters and diaries that have been examined show that middle class men and women of all ages participate in relations that verged on sexual- homosexual love. Today these acts would be judged as homoerotic, yet were viewed with tolerance and were even encouraged by leading middle class moralists. Readers of the time took little notice to poets like Whitman, not even to condemn them for immorality, a charge which they typically reserved for poems with heterosexual themes (Killingsworth 98). Whitman was a unique poet and a... ...e had no idea when writing this work what the future would hold, we are now reading this in our literature class. Is this really appropriate? We are college students, and as mature adults, this material should be something we can handle. What do you think? I believe that homosexuality is very real, and that we need to learn about it and educate ourselves about the issue. Yet, I don't think we should go as far as being explicit about it in our textbooks. Works Cited Hubbell, Jay B. Eight American Authors- A review of Research and Criticism. The Modern American Language Association of America. New York, 1956. Killingsworth, Jimmie. Whitman's Poetry of the Bdy. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill and London. 1989. Lauter, Paul. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Third Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, New York. 1998.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Golf Equipment Manufacturing Industry

Henrietta Koramoah What I learned-Poison Gas used in World War I I learned a lot about World War I and a lot about poison gas during this assignment. First I learned that poison gas was used as an accessory that killed a lot of people. I learned that the use of poison gas was started by France. They used poison gas against Germans in the war. Then Germans started using poison gas against most of the other country and their allies. The poison gas used was phosgene gas, mustard gas, chlorine, Asphyxiate, and Lachrymator (tearing agent).Most of these gases contain toxic and a harmful bacterium that can cause damage to humans immediately. Secondly I learned that for first time in the war; poison gas was like a weapon but only used to frighten soldiers. Even though the soldiers had their mask on, some were still injured. In 1917 when the United States joined the war, after defeated by the Germans most countries like the British got mask for their soldier and used poison gas as a respond t o their enemies such as the Germans.Thirdly I learned that, France and British made more mask to protect them from the pain of poison gas. The Germans defeated a lot of countries with the help of poison gas. Even though poison gas did injured and hurt a lot of people. The number of damages caused by poison gas was low to the damages caused by machine guns. And lastly I learned that Germans were blamed for the damages caused in the war, I thought that was a little bit unfair but I thought Germans had it coming. So in conclusion this is what I learned about poison gas in my I-Search assignment.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Indus valley civilizations Essay

The Indus Valley civilization is an ancient civilization that prospered along the Indus River and Ghaggar-Hakra River in present day Pakistan and India. The Indus valley civilization is sometimes called the Harappan Civilization in reference to the first excavated city called Harappa. The Indus Valley civilization was discovered in the 1920s. The existence of the Indus Civilization is only proved by excavations and maybe some Sumerian writings, e. g. The Mehulan, which is said to correspond with Indus Valley civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization extended from Balochistan to Gujarat, with an upward reach to Punjab from east of the river Jhelum to Rupar on the upper Sutlej. Coastal settlements extended from Sutkagan Dor in Western Baluchistan to Lothal in Gujarat. Besides the western states of India, the Indus Valley Civilization encompassed most of Pakistan. An Indus Valley site has been found on the Oxus River at Shortughai in northern Afghanistan, at Sutkagen dor (Western Baluchistan, Pakistan), at Mandu on the Beas River near Jammu, and at Alamgirpur on the Hindon River, only 28 km from Delhi. Indus Valley sites have been found most often on rivers, but also on lakes, the ancient sea-coast and on islands. There is no documentary evidence that the Indus civilization really existed. What is known of it is the archeological evidence. The assumption that a civilization once existed and prospered in that valley is based on what was found there at the at the excavation sites. It is a well known fact, through out history, ancient Civilizations always started along the banks of rivers or water bodies. Archeologists create theories out of their findings. Most of the artifacts found on archeological sites are explained away with out any substantial recorded facts to back their explanations. The discovery of the Indus valley civilization proves that indeed there has been some human presence around there but the question is: is the Indus valley civilization exactly what we are being told it is today? Are the facts acceptable for scholarly pursuits? It has being recorded that the Indus valley civilization had elements of urbanism such as advanced sewerage systems, dockyards, warehouses, granaries such as we have today. One could clearly conclude from these facts that a great form of civilization indeed existed which might be the basis of what we have today. The lack of authoritative and verifiable written materials on the Indus civilization makes it very difficult to study. This is because the proof of it does not exist in writing in the first place so that at least they can serve as other sources for referencing when in doubt. Good scholarly conclusions can only be drawn from authentic facts which can be proven over time and this is not a very strong point of the Indus civilization.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How do you as a modern reader, respond to Austen’s presentation of Mr. Knightley’s guidance of Emma in the novel as a whole?

After the episode at Box Hill, Mr. Knightley says to Emma, ‘I must once more speak to you as I have been used to do: a privilege rather endured than allowed, perhaps, but I must still use it.' How do you as a modern reader, respond to Austen's presentation of Mr. Knightley's guidance of Emma in the novel as a whole? It can be said that Emma is a novel which is based on morals and manners. In the society, and the people in which Jane Austen deals with, we see the high expectations, the pride and mainly good use of manners in their community. George Knightley is considered to be a well mannered and respectable man, and we are shown good reasons to believe so, on many occasions. He is thought of as a ‘good-catch', being rich with ‘old money', and having very high status, but does not show any signs of snobbery to or against another person. In addition, Mr Knightley has many good qualities, and we can see how fond Austen is of her ‘faultless' character. We see him in many circumstances, (mostly) being calm, polite and sharp, never succumbing to rudeness. He is always pleasant and friendly towards Miss Bates, which shows the reader a very gentle side to him, even though many other characters get agitated with her rather easily. Austen also helps us understand how courteous and patient he is, whilst dealing with Mr. Woodhouse. He is a very annoying, infuriating man so by showing Mr. Knightley to be friendly and tolerant with him, helps us see what truly great qualities this man has. When speaking to Emma, we understand how much he cares for her, though sometimes he may seem quite abrupt. Nevertheless, throughout the novel we see Emma's countless faults. She seems to be inexperienced at the start of the novel, which can be said to ‘justify' her childish behaviour. Though it appears that she does not know a lot about life in general, acting spoilt and immature; we are soon shown of her sharp, intelligent and kind self, which makes the reader realise of her desperate need of help. She is lacking parental support greatly, and quite seriously; it is clear to us that she has never had a mother figure to look up to, only ever having Miss Taylor her governess, which seems more like friendship than mother-daughter. Her father does not realise of her need of love and support, and therefore continues to act like a selfish child who needs a great deal of care, consequently ending up with Emma caring and concerning for her father and not concentrating on her own needs. Although we see of her and her sister's closeness, Isabella has her own life and is away from their estate for most of the year. As a result Mr Knightley shows to be the only one capable and willing around her, to help her through and towards her development. As Mr. Knightley acts as Emma's ‘mentor' throughout the novel, we see on many occasions, him upsetting her with the truth, them in conflict, and a lot of realisation about oneself. When she boasts of her persuading Harriet to decline Robert Martin's marriage proposal, as she is certain of Mr. Elton's love for Harriet, we see Mr. Knightley fuming with rage at her, as she does not realise the consequences of her actions, and the damage she will cause for the people involved. She is stubborn with George Knightley, and only when Mr. Elton proposes to her, does she realise the reality in what she has done and the truth in what he has said. The situation is then followed by her self-searching, and reflecting on her actions, admitting she is wrong to only herself, soon forgetting of her wrong doings. Following the incident at Box Hill, it is the first time that we see Emma break down in the novel. Mr. Knightley is very angry with Emma, but does raise his voice, simply explains their situation of how people perceive them, clarifying the importance of them setting a good example. Possibly the reason for her humiliation, is the fact that she did not realise how hurtful she was to Miss Bates, and never once took into consideration of her position in the society. By explaining how their circle of friends look up to both her and Mr. Knightley, Emma for the first time in the novel realises her situation as a woman, a mentor, and a friend. Once releasing her true, sad feelings, Mr. Knightley acts kind and careing towards her, and she accepts her mistakes, and is prepared to apologise to Miss Bates as well as being friendly and patient with her from then on. This can be seen as a self-analysis, which truly shows her willingness to develop. Even as a modern reader, it seems that Austen is simply showing two peoples love for each other, in which they both work hard to persist. Mr. Knightley cares a great deal for Emma, and we can see that all his stern and honest ways in which he has dealt with her throughout the novel, have all been on the grounds of his love for her, as a friend, a companion and a man. He is sensible and truthful during the narrative, which is how Austen gains our trust for him. He has helped her comprehend many difficult situations on many occasions, but she has also helped him to maybe not be so serious and untrusting. And it seems as though Emma realises this near the ending of the novel, whilst discussing the situation of herself and Mr. Knightley, and the situation of Frank and Jane, to Frank Churchill himself. Though at times Mr. Knightley has maybe seemed harsh and cold towards Emma, it has made her improve and mature in character greatly, ending with her fine development.

Branded Luggage Analysis

DSS 21106 AdverMsing Management Campaign Delsey – Client Team TA1 Cham Ka Yan Polly Chui Tsz Shan Didian Koon Tsz Ling Cuby Lai Paak Ling Paakling Leung Hoi Man Niki Leung Wing Nam Erica Tsai Chi Ho Harold Tse Lai Shuen Sherry Wong Yi Tsang Anna 52214988 52213200 52214349 52235277 52214546 52213574 52215844 52215764 52213629 1 Delsey - ­? Background: †¢? Founded: France in 1946 †¢? Founder: Delahaye Seynhaeve brothers †¢? Name: The company named by the Founder who are Mr. DELAHAYE and he †¢? Slogan: Travel Smart SEYNHAEVE brothers, they combine their name – DELSEY †¢? Head o? ce: France †¢? Business: Delsey Design, an integrated research and creaMon laboratory of 7 designers has implemented a consistent creaMve approach. Delsey designers draw their inspiraMon from a range of rich and unique spheres (as fashion, car and sport industry) focusing their creaMvity to invent ever more innovaMve luggage 2 Delsey - ­? History: 1946 The Seynhaev e brothers joined with Mr.Delahaye and together created the DELSEY brand 1972 The revolution: the first rigid suitcase on wheels 1975 Creation of a rigid luggage in injection-moulded polypropylene 1984 First semi-rigid ‘Helium’ suitcase built on an injected monobloc frame 1993 Creation of the ‘Dual Drive’ concept, a rolled suitcase on 2 or 4 wheels 1999 Wheels pack system (patented) stopping wheels scraping against the back 2001 Creation of the largest and lightest polypropylene suitcase in the world 2006 Easy removable wheel system (patent pending) 2008 First fiberglass structure with shape memory (patent pending) 2009 Introduction of the lightest soft suitcase in the world 2010 Launch of Zip Securi Tech, an exclusive security innovation (patented) 3 Delsey- ­? Trademark Information 4 †¢? The Trademark: Delsey ® Delsey- ­? Trademark Registration 5 Delsey - ­? Spirit: †¢? DELSEY creates LIGHT and DESIGN luggage with HIGH QUALITY standards †¢? No compromises on FUNCTIONALITIES †¢? Discovers the equaMon between lightness and resistance †¢? DELSEY LUGGAGE ARE SUBJECTED TO RIGOROUS TESTS OF QUALITY FOR HOMOLOGATION †¢? Enjoy the perfect balance between useful and essenMal funcMons 6 Delsey - ­? Spirit: Design & [email  protected] are †¦ †¢? FOCUSED on your needs DETERMINED on [email  protected] SHINING AHEAD so you can feel the di? erence 7 Delsey – Innovations †¢? Totally 10 InnovaMons from 1972 – 2010 †¢? 1972: The 1st rolley hardside suitcase with wheels †¢? 2001: World’s largest hardside polypropylene suitcase †¢? 2009: The lightest DELSEY soa suitcase †¢? 2010: ZIP SECURI TECH 8 Delsey – Innovations 2010 - ­? ZIP SECURI TECH 2009 - ­? The lightest DELSEY 9 soa suitcase Delsey – Awards †¢? Totally 9 Design Awards †¢? Best product of the year in Cannes Tax free Word- ­? wide ExhibiMon †¢? Special award at the Paris leather goods fair †¢? ILM O? enbach award for innovaMve design 1975 : French Export Oscar Award 1987 : French Export Oscar Award for excepMonal performance 1992: Product of the Year Award from the BriMsh luggage associaMon 1998 : Cannes Tax free Word- ­? ide ExhibiMon, best product of the Year 2004 : Special award at the Paris leather good fair 2006 : NominaMon for InnovaMon during the Milano Impel exhibiMon 2009 : ILM O? enbach award for innovaMve design 2010 : Nominated by Observeur du design 2011 : Nominated by Observeur du design 10 11 Delsey – Kapferer’s Branding System Delsey Travel Business Endorser Brand Travel NecessiMes Delsey school Umbrella Brand 12 Endorsing brand Line Brand Umbrella Brand 13 Product Brand Endorsing brand Umbrella Brand Line Brand 14 Endorsing brand Umbrella Brand Line Brand Product Brand 15 Delsey †¢? Endorser brand Umbrella brand ? TELESCOPIC   TROLLEY CART FOLDABLE TROLLEY CART LUGGAGE SCALE AU TOMATIC POCKET UMBRELLA DRY BOX SAFETY CABLE POCKET UMBRELLA TRAVEL PILLOW ERGONOMIC TRAVEL PILLOW DE LUXE HANGTAG TRAVEL CUSHION FOR THE BACK SET OF 2 PROTECTION COVERS FOR SHOES AND LAUNDRY SET OF 3 PROTECTION COVERS FOR SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR AND SOCKS TRANSPARENT POUCH FOR LIQUIDS AEROSOLS AND GELS TSA LUGGAGE STRAP WITH 3? VDIGIT COMBINATION LOCK DELUXE UNIVERSAL ELECTRICAL PLUG ADAPTOR 16 WITH USB CONNECTION Travel [email  protected] †¢? FOLDABLE TRAVEL BAG †¢? FOLDABLE BACKPACK †¢? FOLDABLE SHOPPING BAG †¢? TOILETRY ORGANISER SIZE L †¢? WET PACK †¢? REPORTER BAG †¢? ORGANISED BELTBAG †¢? SMALL VERTICAL REPORTER BAG †¢? MULTIFUNCTION BELT BAG †¢? TOILETRY ORGANISER SIZE S †¢? DOCUMENT HOLDER WITH ZIPPED CLOSURE †¢? NECK BAG †¢? WAIST BAG †¢? EXPANDABLE SUITCASE COVER L/XL †¢? EXPANDABLE SUITCASE COVER M/L †¢? DOCUMENT HOLDER WITH ELASTIC CLOSURE †¢? TRAVEL COMPANION †¢? VERTICAL MULTIFUNCTIO N POUCH SIZE M/L †¢? HORIZONTAL MULTIFUNCTION POUCH †¢? VERTICAL MULTIFUNCTION POUCH SIZE S/M †¢? 3 ZIP POUCH †¢? CLOTHES COVER †¢? MULTIPOCKET HOLSTER BAG †¢? 2 FUNNY HANGTAGS †¢? DIGITAL LUGGAGE SCALE Product †¢? 3? VDIGIT COMBINATION PADLOCK brand DELSEY Endorser brand DELSEY SCHOOL Umbrella brand 1–CPT ROUND BACKPA CK 31 CM 1– GUSSET SCHOOL BAG LARGEPENCIL CASE DUO BOX LUNCH BAG 2–CPT PENCIL CASE PENCIL CASE DUO BOX VERTIC AL WPS TROLLE Y BACKPA CK HORIZO NTAL WPS TROLLE Y BACKPA CK 44 CM 2– GUSSET SCHOOL BAG 40 CM 2– GUSSET SCHOOL BAG 2–CPT ROUND BACKPA CK 17 Line brand Product Aoributes 18 Delsey Commitment to Quality †¢? DELSEY Luggage are subjected to rigorous tests of quality 1. Wheels 2. Shells 3. Shoulder and carry straps 4. Sliding closures 5. Buckle and metal parts ?nishes 19 Delsey Commitment to Quality (1) 1. Wheels - ­? Wheels are made to carry fully loaded luggage over 30 kilome ters of abrasive surfaces and obstacles e? Able to surmount such abrasive surfaces and obstacles and urable Being pulled down to the stairs Being pulled on the ?at ?oor 20 Delsey Commitment to Quality (2) 2. Shells - ­? the loaded suitcase is placed one meter above the ground. It is then dropped in 26 di? erent Places - ­? producing a total of 26 impacts. e? Ensure the luggage is not easy to be broken nor accidentally opened even fall down in a height 21 Delsey Commitment to Quality (3) 3. Shoulder and carry straps - ­? are tested by being raised/lowered several thousand Mmes. e? Ensure the luggage is durable for carrying 22 Delsey Commitment to Quality (4) 4. Sliding closures - ­? can be opened and closed 5,000 Mmes, the equivalent of 5 years’ ormal everyday use. Repeatedly being opened and closed for 5,000 Mmes e? To guarantee the zippers are durable and capable to cope with normal everyday use 23 Delsey Commitment to Quality (5) 5. Buckle and metal parts ?nishes -à ‚ ­? are subjected to extreme corrosive and weather condiMons to test resistance to rust. Fabrics have to pass tear resistance tests. e? Guarantee the luggage are durable in materials and surmount most environmental changes 24 Delsey – CODE SECURI TECH  § Every luggage that has a unique code or CODE SECURI TECH. †¢? registraMon on our partner’s site RegProtect, via DELSEY. com a? opMmizes your chances of ?nding lost luggage y using the Internet to put you in contact with the ?nder. a? Able to ?nd the luggage back even there is a mistake of being taken by others 25 Delsey – ZIP SECURI TECH †¢? Exclusive Delsey anM- ­? thea innovaMon †¢? Unique major technological revoluMon and innovaMve secure closure system †¢? Strength e? ciently combats risk of luggage 26 Delsey – Luggage Security Locks †¢? TSA LOCK †¢? Used by American TransportaMon Security AdministraMon (TSA) †¢? Allows the US authoriMes to check your luggage wi thout damaging it 27 Delsey – Luggage Security Locks COMBINATION LOCKS O Ensuring e? ecMve protecMon for personal belongings COMBINATION PADLOCKS O Can nsert on certain luggage in the middle zipper and pocket for extra security 28 Delsey’s Exclusive Design  § Delsey commitment to design and technology †¢? Delsey has its own design laboratory to develop exclusive [email  protected] and patents †¢? Every product created and designed in France, at the very curng edge of technology O Quality and magneMsm is guaranteed 29 Delsey – Individualism Luggage †¢? Customer can put on their favorite painMng or picture on the hardside luggage for free O Every Saturday and Sunday they will demonstrate in the 3 retail store at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm 30 Delsey – Guaranteed Warrants  § INTERNATIONAL WARRANT †¢? All DELSEY roducts are guaranteed 5 years †¢? Using high speci? [email  protected] materials and subjected to stringent quality controls †¢? Guarantees world- ­? wide †¢? Against any manufacturing defects under the terms of the condiMons described on the guarantee coupon inside the luggage. 31 Delsey – Ultra Light Weight †¢? Lightweight, the concern essenMal issue for all Delsey product †¢? Lightened up the average weight of a luggage by 1. 1kg to 2. 1kg for soa ranges and up to 1. 2 kg for its hard ranges O Fiber Lite (O? ering extreme lightness) O Lite Gloss (Lightness for hardside) O X’Pert Lite (ExperMse serving light weight) O Secur- ­? lite (Combining security, esilience and light weight) 32 Partnership - ­? Delsey Camera Bags †¢? In 2001, AGENA and DELSEY started the development of a camera bag collecMon - ­? called Delsey Camera Bags. 33 Partnership - ­? Delsey Camera Bags †¢? Inspired by the French Delsey styling, we developed a superb collecMon of bags ideally suited for photographic equipment. Each and every model of the Delsey camera bag collecMon has been carefully studied to saMsfy the photographers' speci? c requirements, such as extra padding, easy accessibility and opMmum carrying comfort, while maintaining that typical â€Å"French† touch of class. 34 Partnership - ­? Delsey Camera Bags †¢? Products nclude : BACKPACKS, BELT BAGS / POUCHES, NOTEBOOK CASES, SHOULDER BAGS, SWING BAGS, TROLLEY BAGS, ZOOMSTERS †¢? This cooperaMon help Delsey to expand their business to di? erent ?elds 35 Partnership - ­? Biztrails †¢? Delsey work with Biztrails. com which is operated by BCD Travel Germany. †¢? Biztrail. com provide travel informaMon to the consumer †¢? Biztrail. com will insert some informaMon of Delsey in the arMcles that introduce the places around the world. †¢? This cooperaMon help Delsey to reach the target consumer 36 Price of Delsey †¢? Price range of Delsey HKD$900- ­? $5,000 37 Delsey - ­? Distribution (Place) †¢? BouMque Store v Hysan Avenue